When Financial Orders aren’t taken seriously
An 83 year old millionaire ex-husband has been sent to prison receiving a 14 months sentence for ‘deliberate and sustained’ breaches of a financial Order made in 2015, following contested Court proceedings. The financial Order gave his ex-wife £3.5 million equating to 38% of the couple’s wealth, with the ex-husband retaining the balance. The ex-husband had failed to abide by promises he had made further to the financial Order and subsequent Orders made by the Court to enforce the terms of the financial Order.
This case acts a stark reminder that the Family Court expects its Orders to be complied with and has a number of powers to ensure compliance including, at the extreme and when the behaviour demands, the option of sending to prison.
If you are having trouble getting your financial settlement or require advice on any other family law related issue please contact one of our specialist Family Solicitors.