A Not Very Convenient Store
Mrs C got a little more than she planned on when she popped into a convenience store, as well as her purchase she ended up with injuries and a protracted course of medical treatment.
There is a step up at the entrance, but unfortunately it is coloured the same as the floor surface around it, so can’t be seen easily, especially if like Mrs C this was your first visit.
As she was walking in she caught her foot on the step, fell and was hurt.
When Mrs C contacted Andrew in our personal injury team, we looked at the photographs of the shop, agreed it was dangerous and began a claim. That claim was denied by the proprietor and insurers, but after issuing and prosecuting court proceedings, we have proved the case and Mrs C will now be compensated.
To discuss your claim contact Andrew 01924 473065 or Carolyn 01924 443900 and get the advice and support you need.