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Look where you are going

This is the advice that Mr N would give to motorists after being knocked off his bicycle. by a car. As he was riding along, the car reversed out of a driveway straight into his path. There was no way that Mr N could avoid the car and he was knocked to the ground, suffering […]

Keep it tidy and keep it safe

This is the lesson learnt by Mr S’s employers recently. Unfortunately for Mr S not until after he had suffered an accident. The building site he was working on had become increasingly untidy, with piles of debris being left lying around and the site not being properly cleaned up. This made walking around certain areas […]

We are the best personal injury lawyers to choose

Finding the right defendant. Mrs B had an accident on a cobbled street in Halifax the claim was initially submitted to the local authority as they are responsible for highways. The council disputed the claim saying the road was unadopted but after we made enquiries with the land registry it was ascertained that part of […]

Another happy client

The feedback we get from our clients is universally excellent and 99% of the clients that we receive feedback from confirmed that they would recommend us. We believe that this is due to our attention to detail and unending efforts to provide high quality service with a personable face. Find out more about our latest […]

Mediation is now compulsory

From April 2014 the government has now made it a compulsory requirement that parties must attend an initial mediation awareness meeting before an application can be made to the courts for a family order. Only in very specific circumstances can a party be exempt from this requirement.  The government by making this requirement clearly hoped […]

Batley Christmas Fayre 2014

On 06 December in the Alfreds Way shopping precinct the Batley Business Association are hold the towns first Christmas fair. With the kind assistance of Tesco who have loaned the precinct and empty units for the day, a festive fun day is planned. The event will feature a wide range of stalls selling gifts and […]

Your best choice for you Personal Injury Claim

We have many thousands of satisfied clients who would recommend us and come back if they needed to You definitely should not use a claims company or your motor insurer; it will mean your claim has significantly greater chance of failing For feedback that we have recently received see – http://www.brearleyspersonalinjury.co.uk/testimonials/ If you are wondering […]