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Have you been divorced? Does your spouse have a pension?

It is very common in these circnces to find that your divorce has not been handled properly by your solicitor. It can make a huge difference to what you are entitled to. For more information see – http://www.checkmycompensation.co.uk/?page_id=97  

Brighouse Gala 2014

The Gala was a great success despite the weather. Although the sun never arrived it at least didn’t rain heavily and therefore the Gala ground filled up with lots of people throughout the day. We were delighted to meet and speak  with lots of people from Brighouse and the surrounding areas. Nick Battye and Laura […]

We achieve the HSSF mark in Family work

We are pleased to confirm that Alex Kennedy is eligible to hold Help and Support for Separated Families (HSSF) Mark due to the fact that she is a Resolution accredited specialist. The HSSF Mark is part of the Help and Support for Separated Families Programme. This programme brings together existing support services that help separated […]

Care Home Fees – what is the position?

When a person takes up residence in a care home, their assets are utilised to fund such care, subject to exceptions. One of the exceptions operates to take the value of the family home away from consideration if it is occupied by a child over the age of 60 as his or her home. In […]

Batley Vintage day 2014!

It was a day the like of which Batley has never seen before, well not since the 1940s at least. On 31 May, 2014 the clock was rolled back, as were the decades and the vintage years came back to town. And what a fantastic day it was. The weather was certainly kind and the […]

When a marriage breaks down…

It is a distressing time for everybody when a marriage breaks down.  Often you do not know where to turn or what the future will bring.  At times like this you need an experienced listener who is capable of providing you with clear impartial advice. Brearleys solicitors have been providing family advice for many years.  […]

Laura Crane Trust Prize Draw

Those of you that have visited the 1940s event at Brighouse may have be invited to enter our prize draw. As always, it is in aid of the Laura Crane Trust. All proceeds go to the charity which as you probably know is the local charity dedicated to youth cancer. The prize is a fantastic […]

Brighouse 1940s weekend success

Congratulations to all of the organisers and participants in the Brighouse 1940s weekend. Held over Saturday, 7 June to Sunday, 8 June the turnout from the town and the involvement of the shops and businesses was brilliant. The variety of displays and things to see was extremely impressive. I know that the organisation that went […]

Blog Site

All of our major news stories, including local events and things that happen within the firm can be found on our blog site www.findoutwhoweare.co.uk We will from time to time continue to post news items here however ordinarily the majority of news items will be posted on the blog site above.  Please visit now and […]

Cleckheaton Folk Festival

The brilliant Cleckheaton Folk Festival is just around the corner !  Find out who’s coming and where they will be playing at www.cleckheatonfolkfestival.org We are delighted to support the festival once again