Wet Floors

Wet floors are usually also slippery floors. Over the years we have brought many hundreds of claims for people who have slipped on them, and suffered injuries as a result. From workplaces, to supermarkets, to public buildings, it is an inescapable fact that floors become wet. This happens for various reasons. In a recently settled […]

Make Sure It Is Recorded

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in accident – whether at work, in the street, even on the roads – make sure what happened is recorded properly. It can often be the  difference between proving your case or not, if you bring a claim. Too often we see cases that cannot succeed because […]

Trolley Park Trip

Mrs F was at her local supermarket and went to collect a trolley from the trolley park area. Unfortunately there was a defective cover in the floor surface near the entrance to the area. This caused Mrs F to trip and suffer injuries. Having met with Andrew Marsden of our Batley office we were able […]

A Nice Review

It is always nice to get positive feedback from our clients, like this nice review for Andrew Marsden…  

A Nice Review

Some nice feedback for Andrew Marsden and Carolyn Halsworth  

Rules That Do Not Work

Rules and regulations are everywhere, they effect everybody – we should know, it is our every working day one way or another!! Every workplace has them, from rules about what goes where, to who does what and how. On the whole they are necessary, sensible and help keep things ticking along nicely, and safely. But, […]


Last Friday we bid farewell to Nadine Pickard who was a very experienced and well respected member of our conveyancing team at Brearleys for many years. We gave Nadine a suitable send off at her leaving do in Brighouse where she has worked for many years and established a large following of clients and referrers […]

Dog Bite

Mr P was carrying out some work at a customer’s home. They have a dog, and they were aware that the dog had a tendency to behave aggressively towards visitors it was not familiar with. To guard against this the dog would usually be put out of they way. On this occasion for whatever reason […]

Missing Cover

Mr C and and his wife went to a local restaurant for a relaxing evening, a nice meal and to enjoy some spring sunshine on the drinks terrace. Unfortunately those plans changed to a visit to A&E and painkillers rather than prosecco. As they walked towards their table on the terrace, Mr C stepped in […]

Dangerous Doors

Automatic doors are very convenient, they save you all the hassle of having to open them. Once the sensor picks you up, hey presto they are open, and they stay open until you are through. Unfortunately not so for Mrs R. In her case the doors did not stay open. They closed hitting Mrs R […]