Purchase of a Freehold/Leasehold Residential Property

Legal fees payable:-

Value of Property Legal Fees VAT Searches OS1 & K16 TT Fee HMLR Fee


Stamp Duty Total

(Electronic HMLR Submission)

£0-£79,999 575.00 115.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 20.00 N/A 1,083.20
£80,000 – £99,999 600.00 120.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 20.00 – 40.00 N/A 1,113.20 – 1,133.20
£100,000 – £149,000 650.00 130.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 40.00 – 100.00 N/A 1,193.20 – 1,253.20
£150,000 – £199,999 700.00 140.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 100.00 N/A 1,131.20
£200,000 – £299,999 725.00 145.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 100.00 – 150.00 TBC 1,343.20 – 1,393.20
£300,000 – £399,999 810.00 162.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 150.00 TBC 1,495.20
£400,000 – £499,999 875.00 175.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 150.00 TBC 1,573.20
£500,000 – £749,999 925.00 185.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 150.00 – 295.00 TBC 1,633.20 – 1,778.20
£750,000 – £949,999 1,025.00 205.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 295.00 TBC 1,898.20
£950,000 – £999,999 1,125.00 225.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 295.00 TBC 2,018.20
£1M-£1,099,999 1,175.00 235.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 295.00 – 500.00 TBC 2,078.20 – 2,283.20
£1.1M-£1.249,999 1,375.00 275.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 500.00 TBC 2,523.20
£1.25M-£1,499,999 1,675.00 335.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 500.00 TBC 2,883.20
£1.5M-£1,749,999 1,925.00 385.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 500.00 TBC 3,183.20
£1.75M-£2M 2,175.00 435.00 300.00 22.80 50.40 500.00 TBC 3,483.20

















Our fees cover all of the work required to complete the sale of your home.

Value of Property Legal Fees VAT Office Copies TT Fee Total


£0-£99,999 575.00 115.00 16.80 50.40 757.20
£100,000 – £149,999 600.00 120.00 16.80 50.40 787.20
£150,000 – £199,999 625.00 125.00 16.80 50.40 817.20
£200,000 – £299,999 675.00 135.00 16.80 50.40 877.20
£300,000 – £399,999 725.00 145.00 16.80 50.40 937.20
£400,000 – £499,999 800.00 160.00 16.80 50.40 1,072.20
£500,000 – £749,999 850.00 170.00 16.80 50.40 1,087.20
£750,000 – £949,999 950.00 190.00 16.80 50.40 1,207.20
£950,000 – £1,099,999 1,050.00 210.00 16.80 50.40 1,327.20
£1.1M – £1,249,999 1,250.00 250.00 16.80 50.40 1,567.20
£1.25M-£1,499,999 1,450.00 290.00 16.80 50.40 1,807.20
£1.5-£1.749,999 1,650.00 330.00 16.80 50.40 2,047.20
£1.75M-£2M 1,900.00 380.00 16.80 50.40 2,347.20


















Our legal fees are set out below in the table:-

Value of Property Legal Fees VAT No Search Insurance



OCE, OS1 & K16 TT Fee HMLR Fee

(Scale II)


(Electronic HMLR Submission)

£0-£99,999 400.00 80.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 20.00 614.00
£100,000-£199,999 450.00 90.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 30.00 684.00
£200,000-£499,999 500.00 100.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 45.00 759.00
£500,01-£749,999 525.00 105.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 65.00 809.00
£750,000-£999,999 550.00 110.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 65.00 839.00
£1M-£1.249,999 575.00 115.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 944.00
£1.25M-£1.499,999 600.00 120.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 974.00
£1.5M-£1.749,999 625.00 125.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,004.00
£1.75M-£2M 650.00 130.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,034.00



Our fees cover all the work required to deal with a Transfer of Equity.

Our legal fees are set out below in the table:-


Value of Property Legal Fees VAT OCE, OS1 & K16 HMLR Fee




£0-£99,999 500.00 100.00 39.60 20.00 659.60
£100,000-£199,999 550.00 110.00 39.60 30.00 729.60
£200,000-£299,999 600.00 120.00 39.60 45.00 804.60
£300,000-£499,999 700.00 140.00 39.60 45.00 924.60
£500,000-£749,999 725.00 145.00 39.60 65.00 974.60
£750,000-£999,999 750.00 150.00 39.60 65.00 1,004.60
£1M-£1,249,999 775.00 155.00 39.60 140.00 1,109.60
£1.25M-£1,499,999 800.00 160.00 39.60 140.00 1,139.60
£1.5M-£1,749,999 825.00 165.00 39.60 140.00 1,169.60
£1.75M-£2M 850.00 170.00 39.60 140.00 1,199.60



Our fees cover all the work required to deal with a transfer of equity and re-mortgage of your home.

Our legal fees are set out below in the table:-

Value of Property Legal Fees VAT No Search Insurance



OCE, OS1 & K16 TT Fee HMLR Fee



(Electronic HMLR Submission)

£0-£99,999 500.00 100.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 20.00 734.00
£100,000- £199,999 550.00 110.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 30.00 804.00
£200,000-£499,999 600.00 120.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 45.00 879.00
£500,000-£749,999 650.00 130.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 65.00 959.00
£750,000-£999,999 700.00 140.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 65.00 1,019.00
£1M-£1,249,999 750.00 150.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,154.00
£1.25M-£1,499,999 800.00 160.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,214.00
£1.5M-£1,749,999 850.00 170.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,274.00
£1.75M-£2M 900.00 180.00 24.00 39.60 50.40 140.00 1,334.00