
Mr P works in a very busy professional kitchen. His employers provide his uniform which includes a long sleeved chef’s tunic. On this particular day however the uniform was changed to a short sleeved one. Part way through his shift Mr P was reminded in the most painful way why the tunics should be long […]

Uneven Ground

Mr L worked for a construction company. When getting back to the works yard it was often necessary to unload the vehicle. More often than not, this involved somebody getting up into the bed of the truck. Once unloading was finished that person would then step down. On this day that person was Mr L. […]

Dodgy Decking

Miss F works as a carer helping people in their homes. On this particular day she was working at a property she wasn’t very familiar with. The service user asked Miss F if she wouldn’t mind going outside to feed a family pet, which of course she agreed to do. This involved her walking over […]

Closing Door, Trapped Fingers

We all use doors. We use them every day. Open, close, open, close, etc. There isn’t much to it really. Fairly straightforward, most of the time. This case however shows that even the more mundane of day to day activities can still catch you off guard. It only takes a momentary lapse of concentration for […]

Basket Tripper

Mrs P visited her local Morrison’s store and was walking near the checkout area when she fell over a shopping basket which had been left on the floor as Morrison’s had previously removed the basket tidies to put Christmas goods on display when Mrs P tripped she injured her neck and shoulder and also chipped […]

King Of Clubs

The story of James Corrigan and Batley’s iconic nightclub the Frontier is being told in a new book written by one of the people who knew him best. Maureen Prest worked as the clubs promotions and pr manager during the heady heydays of the 60s and 70s. The club attracted the biggest names in show […]

Shrink Wrap Safety

Shrink wrap is very useful. It is particularly useful when it comes to keeping loads on pallets stable, which is why Mr W’s employers used to shrink wrap every load before it was moved. Unfortunately as part of a review of working practice it was decided that that was no longer necessary. As Mr W […]

Take Care At Junctions

As Mr P was walking across a junction he was hit by a car turning in. The car was travelling too quickly, and the driver tried to take the corner at speed. This meant that he didn’t see Mr P until it was far too late. As a result the car hit Mr P knocking […]

Lasting Power Of Attorney

Mr A approached Brearleys because he was caring for his good friend Mr B. Mr A is in his 80s and was finding dealing with Mr B’s financial affairs more and more tiring. Mr B lives in a care home and is unable to manage his own financial affairs. Although he is mentally capable, he […]

CICA Success

Mr K was assaulted whilst working as a food delivery driver. He was punched and beaten by his assailant and had his vehicle keys stolen. He put in a claim for compensation for his injuries through the criminal injuries compensation authority. This is a statutory body which exists to pay compensation to people who have […]