
Divorce and Capital Gains Tax – Update

In July 2022 draft legislation was published which completely overhauls the current law relating to Capital Gains Tax and Divorce. When reaching a financial settlement on divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership, parties’ will often agree to transfer assets such as the family home into one of the parties’ names, they may also transfer […]

Divorce Discounted Rates Extended

In our experience, February follows January as being a very busy month for Divorces, mainly due to the financial burden of Christmas, once bills are received at the end of January!  This has been made worse this year due to the cost of living crisis which people are currently experiencing. With this in mind, we […]

Discounted Divorce Fees for February

In our experience, February follows January in being a very busy month for Divorces, mainly due to the financial burden of Christmas, once bills are received at the end of January!   This has been made worse this year due to the current cost of living crisis which people are currently experiencing.   Therefore, with […]

Discounted Divorce for January 2023

In our experience January is the most popular month for Divorces.  This can often be as a result of the amount of time couples spend together over the festive season and the financial burden of what has become an expensive time of year.  This year in particular we are also facing substantial costs of living […]

Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a term used to describe a process by which one parent tries to cause the child to reject, fear, or avoid contact with the other parent. Parental alienation cases are often very difficult because (1) it is difficult to prove, (2) it can be difficult to disprove, and (3) even if proven, it […]


Major changes to the divorce process will come into affect on the 6th April 2022 As of the 6th April the new “No Fault” divorce will come into force and parties will not have to, or indeed be able to, blame the other for the breakdown of their marriage. Under current laws, one spouse needs […]

It Can Take Time

Life can be fast paced, we always seem to be in a bit of a hurry. As Stephen Dobyns put it “Each thing I do, I rush through so I can do something else.” And, that can be true of the law. We all want our legal matter to be be finished as quickly as […]

Parental Alienation

Unfortunately, when parent separate, parental alienation can occur.  This is where a child has been manipulated, coerced or otherwise pressured to side with one parent over another. Parental alienation is not always obvious and can be difficult to spot, but its effect on children is highlighted by CAFCASS as abusive and damaging, and can cause […]


Due to increasing demand the January offer on divorces has been extended until the end of February. Now that Christmas is over, we are all back at work and the children have returned to school for many it is also a time they decide their marriage is at an end. January and February sees an […]

Making the Future Your Own

Embarking on a divorce is an extremely stressful process for both parties, particularly when there are children involved, and with so many options available to deal with the breakdown of a marriage which one is the right one? Clients are faced with choosing from the traditional routes of Solicitors negotiating via letters and the commencing […]

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