
Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a term used to describe a process by which one parent tries to cause the child to reject, fear, or avoid contact with the other parent. Parental alienation cases are often very difficult because (1) it is difficult to prove, (2) it can be difficult to disprove, and (3) even if proven, it […]

Traffic Cone Trip

Whilst traffic cones are normally supposed to warn people and be easy to see, that unfortunately was not the case for Mrs W. Having come out of her garden gate and stepped out on to the footpath beyond she tripped and fell over a cone that had been left there. Because of where it was […]

Holiday Hurt

Holiday’s are great. That might be some relaxing in the sun, or maybe trekking in the high hills, but whatever your pleasure a bit of time away from the 9 to 5 grind is always welcome. Unfortunately not so much for young Master C who was injured whilst on his family holiday due a fault […]

Mediation Works

Civil and Commercial mediation works. It solves disputes. It is quick. Inexpensive compared to traditional litigation. Easily accessible. And did we mention it is quick. Disputes happen, that is a fact of life. All day every day people have disagreements. Thankfully the vast majority of these are something and nothing. Soon sorted and forgotten. But […]

ADR – A Level Playing Field

One of the biggest problem many parties face in traditional court litigation is the cost. Going to court is expensive, and with the courts overwhelmed and waiting lists for cases at an all time high, that cost keeps getting higher. It is an unfortunate reality that the party with the biggest resources can often simply […]

Compulsory ADR

The Civil Justice Council has reported that mandatory ADR is compatible with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and therefore lawful. The report was commissioned by the master of the rolls, a keen advocate for ADR, and is hopefully going to lead to a major change to dispute resolution. Whilst mediation has […]

Mediation is now compulsory

From April 2014 the government has now made it a compulsory requirement that parties must attend an initial mediation awareness meeting before an application can be made to the courts for a family order. Only in very specific circumstances can a party be exempt from this requirement.  The government by making this requirement clearly hoped […]

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