Child In Need Plans
When a referral has been made to the Local Authority about your child, an assessment will be completed to determine whether your child is to be considered as a Child in Need. When the assessment is completed, should the Social Worker recommend that your child is subject to a Child in Need Plan, your consent would be needed for this to take place.
A Child in Need Plan is a package of support that is put in place for your child and your family. The aim is to address any areas of need and risk that have been assessed by a Social Worker. The Social Worker who completed the Assessment in respect of your child will prepare a draft plan that they will bring to the first meeting, which is called a Child in Need Planning Meeting.
The Child in Need Plan ensures that appropriate measures are in place to safeguard and promote your child’s welfare.
You should always be given a copy of the Child in Need Plan and the written minutes (the notes) from every Child in Need meeting, within 5 working days of the meeting taking place. Further, if the plan changes, this should be done in consultation with you, where appropriate. Although there will be formal Child in Need review meetings (to formally review the progress on the plan) every 6 weeks.
Whilst you are not entitled to have a solicitor with you at a Child in Need Planning Meeting, we can still provide you with advice in respect of this process, if you are eligible for Legal Aid. Please contact us on 01924 927187 or by email: [email protected] or [email protected] and we can discuss this with you.