Private Children Law
These are generally decisions about with whom a child should live and the levels of contact they should have with others.
The Courts have wide-ranging powers to make various orders confirming different levels of responsibility and legal rights in respect of children. We are able to provide a full range of advice in respect of all areas of Private Children Law, including advice in respect of Adoption, and Special Guardianship Orders.
We will inform you of your rights and the steps you need to take to resolve any issue you have regarding them.
We have solicitors who are members of the Children Panel and Resolution accredited specialists in Children law who are able to deal with all aspects of private children law.
Childrens cases can be dealt with in many different ways from negotiating through solicitors, attending Mediation, taking a Collabrative law approach, or seeking Orders through the Courts.
Our solicitors will advise you upon the steps necessary for you to achieve your goal in a cost effective and child centred way. We are able to offer LEGAL AID where eligible and offer competitive fixed fee rates and packages.
Contact us now to arrange your first FREE 30 minute interview, by telephoning 0113 887 8223 or one of our offices or emailing [email protected].
Or call 01924 927080 to speak to someone immediately